I was excited to find a Smith-Corona Silent, 1950's, on Craig's List. This is my only purchase using Craig's List, I couldn't pass it up. It is a little rough looking for things down on the coast since Katrina to find items that haven't flooded. This machine is beautiful, (can a typewriter be beautiful?), and the only thing needed is a new ribbon. Early Christmas gift from mom, thanks MOM!
Off to the Salvation Army. A new one opened in the next town.
Every year Weight Watchers publishes their yearly annual recipes, they have to be ordered through Weight Watchers and are not available in store. A woman at my local meeting center has all of them and would go through them and bring in recipes to share. I picked up 2002 and 2005. Now on a mission to find more.
Item I have not yet ordered but would like to try out, the Grilliput:
The bottom looks like a large steamer basket, minus holes, and folds like one also. They have two sizes of fire baskets. The grill comes apart and is a single tube when it is put away. Sold separately, each piece weighs less than a pound. I am not affiliated with this company, nor taking part in a promotion. This looks pretty handy and may make a home here in the near future. Here is the link for the Grilliput from Industrial Revolution.
That typewriter is beautiful! Why is it called "Silent?" Can't you hear the keys?