Well of course I am working on socks, this pair is for the oldest for Christmas. The youngest is in his last year of high school. Everyone in the middle are doing well also. I am blessed. My husband came home with a bean pot and warmer that belonged to his mother.
And an enameled cast iron dish he calls the macaroni dish.
This pot followed me home one day.
And I bought a clay bread baker from a potter in New Orleans. Definitely a weakness as I have three of the damn things from different potters.
Most of the Sawtooth Oaks my husband started last year are between 1 to 2 feet tall.
This lemon tree is a dwarf that I bought my mother-in-law many years ago. We planted it here and there are 15 lemons on it now.
I will have more news in the upcoming months. A lot will have to do with planting. I bought this book not too long ago and when it arrived I thought it couldn't be very helpful since it was pretty thin, but it is a good book for someone starting out.
The weather went from hot drought to wet, freezing cold very quick! I will post again soon and I hope this finds you well.